Leaving behind 2016, a year full of repeated political conflicts, struggles for economic power, and the need to protect natural resources, all unresolved issues as of now, and in the midst of a worldwide economic crisis that seems like it will never end, the Sociedad El Cristo with the participation of it's associates, family members, and the spirits of deceased Awos, with the help of God and Ifa, our orishas and the Oluos in attendance, received the prophesy (letter of the year) for 2017.
Ruling Odun: Oyekun Nilogbe
First witness: Iroso Umbo
Second witness: OGBE TUA
Obsorbo: Ofo Lowe Araye (Loss due to conflicts and arguments)
Oniche Si, Caure. Otan.
Ruling Orisha:Oshun,
Accompanied by Eleggua,
addimu:Palanquetas de gofio
Flag: rectangular, yellow with borders of red and black
Ebbo for Santeros and Aleyos:Akuko, atitan de las 4 esquinas,bogbo iki,bogbo ewe,bogbo ashe,opolopo owo.
Ebbo Misi Santeros and Aleyos: Ewe cotton,white flowers,efun,perfume and alcohol
Corbori Eleda Santeros and Aleyos: ICHU.
Ebbo Misi of the Ile: raw milk with Ewe dundun ( siempre viva).
Ebbo Misi of Oluos: raw milk with Ewe dundun.
Corbori Eleda Oluos:ICHU
General work for health: Sarayeye with 2 etu at the foot of Iyalorde.
1-Never mistreat or hit children, especially in the head, because if you do it will bring about your downfall
2-Pray to and take care of the Ibeyis with fresh fruit; give them a piñata for the children, feed the owner of your head
3-Don't underestimate or disrespect any orisha
4-Avoid family arguments, especially between brothers, where the older one should be the one to give in, reach a compromise, or convince others for the prosperity and happiness of the family
5-Take good care of your teeth and oral health
6-Don't challenge anyone because you'll lose
7-Don't drink alcoholic beverages
8-Pay special attention and pay homage to Osain to avoid poverty
9-Don't step over holes in the earth or think about suicide
10-Make ebbo; always fulfill promises you make to CHANGO so you don't have setbacks.
11-Take care of your health and internal organs, especially the liver in both men and women
12-Don't whistle. Don't use weapons.
13-Don't spend money unnecessarily because you might need it to resolve some health problems.
14-Watch out for problems with the law because they might arrest you for robbery, it could be a mistaken identity
15-Don't deceive anyone or bear false witness. Be careful about lies.
16-Maferefun Orula,Chango and the Ibeyis.
17-Help anyone who is asking for charity
18-Drums can't be played for free.
19-Don't link your luck or misfortunes to anyone else. Don't underestimate or disrespect anyone. It could cost you very dearly.
20-Limit your consumption of fat; take care of your health.
21-Don't keep dogs inside the house.
22-Don't do harm to anyone or Elegua will take away your good luck.
23-Don't offer what you can't fulfill.
24-What is written cannot be erased; your own tongue can be your worst enemy.
25-He who doesn't know is like he who doesn't see. Don't tell anyone your secrets.
26-Don't deny food to any Babalawo or Satero who comes to your house
1-In the eyes of the young person burns a flame and in the eyes of an old person shines light (wisdom).
2-The person who tries to be both the head and the tail (do everything) will never rest.
3-Something analyzed in a meeting will be resolved.
4-The people in this world (living) don't associate with those from the other world. (dead)
5-No matter how early you get up night falls with work undone.
6-Don't be in such a hurry so that you will get where you're going
7-Sacrifice will be rewarded
8-He who was born to be the head can't remain in the tail.
9-Arrows can't kill thoughts.
10-Give first and then receive.
The Sociedad Del Cristo wishes you happiness and well being in 2017. May prosperity, comprehension, happiness and love reign in our homes. The advice we give is a result of our intention and desire to help you, not given because of pride or vanity.
Sociedad El Cristo 1 January 2017.
[email protected]
Thank you and happy new year.
Leaving behind 2016, a year full of repeated political conflicts, struggles for economic power, and the need to protect natural resources, all unresolved issues as of now, and in the midst of a worldwide economic crisis that seems like it will never end, the Sociedad El Cristo with the participation of it's associates, family members, and the spirits of deceased Awos, with the help of God and Ifa, our orishas and the Oluos in attendance, received the prophesy (letter of the year) for 2017.
Ruling Odun: Oyekun Nilogbe
First witness: Iroso Umbo
Second witness: OGBE TUA
Obsorbo: Ofo Lowe Araye (Loss due to conflicts and arguments)
Oniche Si, Caure. Otan.
Ruling Orisha:Oshun,
Accompanied by Eleggua,
addimu:Palanquetas de gofio
Flag: rectangular, yellow with borders of red and black
Ebbo for Santeros and Aleyos:Akuko, atitan de las 4 esquinas,bogbo iki,bogbo ewe,bogbo ashe,opolopo owo.
Ebbo Misi Santeros and Aleyos: Ewe cotton,white flowers,efun,perfume and alcohol
Corbori Eleda Santeros and Aleyos: ICHU.
Ebbo Misi of the Ile: raw milk with Ewe dundun ( siempre viva).
Ebbo Misi of Oluos: raw milk with Ewe dundun.
Corbori Eleda Oluos:ICHU
General work for health: Sarayeye with 2 etu at the foot of Iyalorde.
1-Never mistreat or hit children, especially in the head, because if you do it will bring about your downfall
2-Pray to and take care of the Ibeyis with fresh fruit; give them a piñata for the children, feed the owner of your head
3-Don't underestimate or disrespect any orisha
4-Avoid family arguments, especially between brothers, where the older one should be the one to give in, reach a compromise, or convince others for the prosperity and happiness of the family
5-Take good care of your teeth and oral health
6-Don't challenge anyone because you'll lose
7-Don't drink alcoholic beverages
8-Pay special attention and pay homage to Osain to avoid poverty
9-Don't step over holes in the earth or think about suicide
10-Make ebbo; always fulfill promises you make to CHANGO so you don't have setbacks.
11-Take care of your health and internal organs, especially the liver in both men and women
12-Don't whistle. Don't use weapons.
13-Don't spend money unnecessarily because you might need it to resolve some health problems.
14-Watch out for problems with the law because they might arrest you for robbery, it could be a mistaken identity
15-Don't deceive anyone or bear false witness. Be careful about lies.
16-Maferefun Orula,Chango and the Ibeyis.
17-Help anyone who is asking for charity
18-Drums can't be played for free.
19-Don't link your luck or misfortunes to anyone else. Don't underestimate or disrespect anyone. It could cost you very dearly.
20-Limit your consumption of fat; take care of your health.
21-Don't keep dogs inside the house.
22-Don't do harm to anyone or Elegua will take away your good luck.
23-Don't offer what you can't fulfill.
24-What is written cannot be erased; your own tongue can be your worst enemy.
25-He who doesn't know is like he who doesn't see. Don't tell anyone your secrets.
26-Don't deny food to any Babalawo or Satero who comes to your house
1-In the eyes of the young person burns a flame and in the eyes of an old person shines light (wisdom).
2-The person who tries to be both the head and the tail (do everything) will never rest.
3-Something analyzed in a meeting will be resolved.
4-The people in this world (living) don't associate with those from the other world. (dead)
5-No matter how early you get up night falls with work undone.
6-Don't be in such a hurry so that you will get where you're going
7-Sacrifice will be rewarded
8-He who was born to be the head can't remain in the tail.
9-Arrows can't kill thoughts.
10-Give first and then receive.
The Sociedad Del Cristo wishes you happiness and well being in 2017. May prosperity, comprehension, happiness and love reign in our homes. The advice we give is a result of our intention and desire to help you, not given because of pride or vanity.
Sociedad El Cristo 1 January 2017.
[email protected]
Thank you and happy new year.